Vinetta Plummer

Project Support

Ko Whangatauatia me Huruiki te maunga
Ko Karirikura me Mokau te moana
Ko Tinana me Mahuhu-ki-te-rangi te waka
Ko Roma me Rongomaraeroa te marae
Ko Parewhero me Te Uri o Hikihiki te hapū
Ko Te Rarawa me Ngātiwai te iwi
E noho ana au i West Auckland

I have a background in community development and building and enjoy connecting with people in communities as well as connecting people with resources. I love helping people turn ideas into reality; it moves me to see them get excited about what they have a passion for. I have done a variety of roles within this industry including working for a community development organisation, activating communities in new subdivisions, advising and supporting community developers and community and stakeholder engagements for a variety of projects. I hold a B.A. in Social Policy and this year I will be starting my Master of Applied Practice (Social Practice), allowing me to undertake some work-relevant research and projects. I also hold a Level 5 Diploma in Māori Oral Fluency.

A bit about Vinetta

Fun titbits


Is a politics geek and is especially fascinated by local politics


In another role, she works for a kaupapa Māori circus!


Does the occasional fundraising gig singing in an 80's cover band



